
Day 335: Burgundy

Bienvenue a Burgundy! Antoine and Julie took the reins during our stay and with our second day in the region, we headed to Autun and Beaune. Autun for a festival celebrating the people who first inhabited the area. Think Asterix, only not so animated. It reminded both Andrew and me of The Renaissance Festivals back home. After lunch, we headed to Beaune – mostly to see the Hospices de Beaune, an old hospital most known for its beautiful roof and perhaps to some, a charity wine auction. It was a lovely afternoon, but an almost better (?) evening when we were back in the garden dining on Julie’s homemade French dishes complete with more wine, bread, and cheese. We found ourselves again in food heaven.

We headed to Autun early, and made it just in time for some (gladiator arena-style-fight) reenactments. The performance – about four different battles- didn’t last long. Afterwards, we found Julie and Antoine asking one of the men questions. I tried to follow along as best as I could, but practicing my listening comprehension for the first time in a long long while proved to be rather difficult.

Julie prepared a wonderful picnic that we enjoyed in an old Roman colosseum- well, what was left of it. We brought along the dogs; Swing and Roulle. Roulle (Julie’s parents’ dog) took a liking to us. Andrew and I always argue over which one of us dogs like more. He won this time around. Roulle rested her head on his knee during at least half of our picnic. (You have no idea how much we’re looking forward to having a dog of our own when we get back. Like, almost as much as I’m looking forward to having a bed I get to sleep in for more than three nights in row.

I remember visiting the Hospices de Beaune in high-school. The roof is just as pretty as it was fifteen years ago. Would you believe this hospital was for the poor? Can you imagine if hospitals in America looked like this today?

We didn’t stay long in Beaune. Andrew and I weren’t disappointed, I mean- it was beautiful, and we appreciated it (of course) but, we had a feeling another wonderful dinner was in store for us back ‘home’ in the garden! And sure enough, it was. When Antoine handed us each a half of an avocado to start, Andrew and I were skeptical. But then we were introduced to quite possibly my new most favorite thing to eat. He then proceeded to pour olive oil into where the pit once resided, sprinkled a bit of salt on top and then mashed it up before eating it with some baguette. It was pretty amazing, and if you’re anything like me (lover of avocados. olive oil. bread.) you’ll quickly find yourself addicted. Oh behalf of Antoine, you’re welcome.