Day 65: En Route to Kathmandu

It's a little bit surreal waking up in India. Ok, it's only the airport, but still… Maybe it was because India's airport does not feel like what I expect India to feel like… Or maybe it was because we woke up to breaking news on CNN that Obama was indeed re-elected… When Obama was elected four years ago, I was sitting in a bar in Chicago with some of my closest, bestest friends, eating wings, drinking beer, being very "American." I was excited for the change that was happening in my life at the time (as well as what 'bama preached). I was finally enrolled in art school, and thought I was back in America "for good." Skip forward four years, and I'm two months into a trip around the world. Surreal. Yes, maybe that's the best word for it.

We arrived in Kathmandu around noon (from what I remember) and after reading a few blog posts about what to expect or how to survive the airport itself, I felt like I was pumping myself up for a big game or something just stepping off of the plane. It ended up not being a big deal (at all) and we even made it into the city for the suggested 250 rupees! 

Exhausted, to say the least, we crashed at our (very bare) guesthouse despite the street noise that is Kathmandu, before ducking out for a quick dinner, and then sleeping some more.