Day 37: A Lazy Day with Andre

Full disclosure: we stayed out a little too late with Andre (but not as late as he wanted us to!) the night before. Fifty cent beers y'all! And while I did not get kicked out of Angkor What? bar this time around, (it wasn't my fault, I swear) I did bust a move in the club with my backpack on. I'm sexy and I know it! (er, not really, at all.) So, when we got up, our plan was to have sandwiches at Cafe de la Paix because I read this awesome review. Unfortunately the cafe has since been relocated, and after an hour looking, we barely escaped a downpour at a Cambodian restaurant and then decided we'd save the temples for tomorrow. Instead we got ice cream, wandered through the market, and the boys stayed out at night, while I escaped "home" only to have the electricity cut out. Later, we learned the electricity cuts out every night when Siem Reap switches from Thai electric to Cambodian or vice versa. The girl who told us, a bartender on Pub Street (or maybe it was her friend working on her thesis? I forget which) said she imagined a Cambodian man in front of a wall of switches turning one set on and then another set off every night. Once she said that, I too imagined that was what was going on everytime everything went pitch black for a second -or more.