Day 27: another lazy afternoon in Takeo

Again, we slept in, we spent the afternoon drinking iced coffee and blogging, and we topped it all off with pizza and cards. (Andrew won.) Today was nothing spectacular (we were told not much goes on at the orphanage on the weekends), but it was nice and relaxing. And as dorky as I am with this blog, I may as well admit that I’m excited to be blogging in real time! As I’m typing this a pig is making terrible noises somewhere not so far away, yet I was cheered up when Andrew suggested “maybe it’s giving birth,” which is a much more optimistic idea than the one I was previously thinking. Anyway, I’m all caught up! Finally! On top of that,  my average spending per day is down to $45.92! Yay! (I guess being in the middle of nowhere will do that to a budget. But I’ll take it. I need to get it as low as possible before we go into more expensive countries and start flying again.)

(By the way, after taking this picture, I realized that my be is totally uneven. The foot of the bed is a solid 2 inches higher than the head of the bed. This may have been why my dreams were more vivid than usual last night…)